The City of Bradenton has received notification from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development that $520,177 is available for this fiscal program year for the City's Community Development Block Grant Program.
The CDBG program works to ensure decent affordable housing, services to the most vulnerable in the City, and job creation through the expansion and retention of businesses. The CDBG program is an important tool that helps local government tackle the challenges facing their communities. This program makes a difference in the lives of thousands of people throughout the City of Bradenton - and millions across the nation.
“The program’s success is the result of strong partnerships among the elected officials at all levels of government, neighborhood based nonprofit organizations, private sector, and HUD,” said Lesa Livingston, Manager, City of Bradenton's Housing & Community Development Division.
HUD awards grant money to communities to carry out a wide range of local development activities directed toward revitalizing neighborhoods, economic development, and providing improved community facilities and services.
Typically, activities funded include construction of public facilities and improvements, such as water systems, streets, and community centers; rehabilitation of houses and landmark structures; assistance to private, for profit entities to carry out economic development activities and the provision of public services.
For more information, please contact Lesa Livingston at (941) 932-9481 or